Friday, March 4, 2011

The time has come!

Almost four years ago when we decided to move to McCook, NE our mind set was always when we get back Wyoming. We were far away from family, there weren't very many people we knew that were our age and had kids, espicially in church. In fact, the people closest to us in age were the missionaries in our Branch, and we couldn't exactly hang out with them! We had it in our minds, at that time, that we would be here for 3-5 years, get some experience, and then try to move back closer to our families. As time went on, we bought a house, made some great friends, and have really come to love Nebraska, and McCook. As a result, our tone changed from "when" we move back to Wyoming, to "if" we ever move back to Wyoming.

About a month ago Christian was approached by a company out of Greybull, Wyoming for an agronomy job. After much prayer, fasting, and pondering, we (well Christian) accepted the job and so we are on our way to moving back closer to our families! Christian's first day will be March 14. It has become a fast and furious when we move, we will have had just three weeks to put our house on the market and pack up our house! We will be renting at first, in Lovell until our house sells.

I never thought in my wildest dreams that making a decision to move back home closer to our families would be a hard decision, not that it was hard to make, but it's been emotionally hard. We truely love Nebraska and are having a hard time leaving our friends...sure wish we could take them with us! We have been so blessed to have such great friends here and great friends for our boys. We will miss the playgroups, storytime, boating adventures and game nights that we have enjoyed while we were here. We have had great help the last couple of weeks with many offeres from great friends to watch our kids so we could clean and pack. Thanks to all of you for your support and help!

We are really excited for the opportunity we have been given and know it's the right/best thing for our family. It will be fun to be around so much family and be able to raise our boys with them around! We are looking forward to our next adventure in the Big Horn Basin!


Lauren said...

Wow! That's great! I know how you feel about being away from family and making new friends, etc. Hard to leave, but what a great opportunity, too! I hope things go well for you guys with the move and your house will sell fast!

Brittany H. said...

Kevin totally wants to retire there! He keeps working on me. ;) Congratulations!! What a whirlwind you have ahead of you! Hope it all goes well, and I know you guys will love being so close to family. P.S.--I just saw the Hawaii part 2 post. Can I say, JEALOUS?!?!

Middletonfamily said...

Jill,that's really exciting news! I bet both of your families must be really excited to have you guys closer! Good luck with everything!

Phillips Family said...

Congratulations!! That is great news. Moving is never an easy thing. You will have to come see us in Lander sometime. Good luck in the coming weeks.

Megan said...

Hooray for you and your family! Being close to family is so wonderful! Best of luck to all of you during your move as well as selling your home in McCook! Can't wait to hear about all the "fun" that comes with moving!;)

Kara said...

Congratulations! How exciting, but I also know exactly how you feel about leaving your friends there. Good luck with everything. I look forward to seeing you around.

Stacey said...

How exciting!! Congratulations! It will be great for you to be closer to your families.

Kathryn said...

I am so excited for you guys! I know you will be happy where ever you are but what a blessing to be close to family! How all goes smoothly for the move! Congrats to you all!

The Asay's said...

Yay!! We are so super excited for you guys. Wish we were moving back now too. But we will be there this summer. Can't wait to party with you guys.

Teri said...

Happy to hear you guys are excited about your move. I'm sure your families are even more excited about it than you. :)

Staci said...

Not exciting :( Just a point;) You will be VERY missed but we are glad you can be close to family again.

Bob & Dani said...

Congrats! How exciting and yet stressful - emotional rollercoaster. We hope to get back some day, too. Good luck with the move.

Anonymous said...


Grandma Arlene said...

By now, you're probably sitting among boxes in your rental in Lovell. Best of luck in your new job. Tell all our family hi.