Monday, June 27, 2011

Aunual SLC trip

This last week, we were able to take a trip to Salt Lake City with my mom and dad. My dad and brothers have work meetings all week, so we get the opportunity to go and chill with my mom and have fun while they are working. We left on Monday and got back Friday night. Monday, we spent traveling, Tuesday we did a little shopping (and by little I mean about 1 1/2 hours worth...definately not enough), and went down to Logan to visit my sister, Wednesday, we went to the zoo, swam for a bit, and then had dinner withmy family, my aunt and uncle and Eric and Mindy. Thursday we swam in the pool all afternoon and then enjoyed a yummy dinner that is put on by Asociated Food Stores. That night, we talked my sister in to staying the night with us and going back home in the morning before she had to go work, so we got to spend the evening hanging out with her and we are so glad that she decided to stay and party with us! Friday we had breakfast and then packed up our stuff and waited for my parents to get out of meetings to head home.

Enjoying some IN-N-OUT burgers and fries...and hats!

Playing at the park while we waited for my sister to get off work.

Hogle Zoo. They had a great dinosaur exhibit set up all throughout the zoo that my boys thought was just as good as the living animals! This was the first year that we rode the train ride...not so impressed! We waited in line for like 30 minutes for a three minute ride that took us to see buffalo, sheep and goats...all things we see in a car ride down to Grandma Asay's house!

Swimming in the pool.

Family pictures in the courtyard or "maze" as Carson called it. They boys had tons of fun looking for snail houses (snail shells) and riding the deer statues that are there.

Hanging out with Auntie Butts our last night in the hotel!


Megan Foulger Evans said...

You got some super cute pics, seester! It was so fun to see you guys...wish I could have partied more though!!

The Asay's said...

Great pictures. I love that the boys are riding the statues.

Staci said...

I could have warned you about the train! But looks like you had lots of fun in my home town...jealous!