Thursday, September 15, 2011


Carson lost his first tooth last night (9-14-11). He has had two loose theeth for a little while now and I finally convinced him to let his dad pull out the more loose of the two last night. He kept telling me that we just just wanted it to fall out, but I told him that if he did that, then he might loose it and not have one to put under his pillow for the tooth fairy! He was so excited to have it gone and now I think he's working on the other loose one so it can come out now! The toothfairy showed up some time during the night and brought him a pack of bubble gum wrapped in a dollar...what a lucky boy! He left a note for the toothfairy requesting that she leave his tooth so he could still show it to people and she did. I sure love his toothless makes me smile!!


Stacey said...

Carson is a sweet looking boy! I love his smile!

dkasay said...

he is growing up so fast i cant believe he is already losing teeth. congrats carson